Online Q&A on Updates and New Features on the DOB: NOW Build Site

The Department of Buildings is offering live online Q&A sessions for DOB NOW users on the new features and filing procedures. There will also be a review of frequently asked questions from prior trainings.
Register today to secure your spot.
The sessions will be offered every Tuesday starting January 19 until February 9 for the following times:
Topics will focus on the addition of new work types coming to DOB NOW: Build, including:
General construction (chimney, façade enlargement)
Foundation (deep, retaining wall, shallow, tie backs and anchors, underpinning)
Earthwork (excavation, landscape sitework/grading and fill, soil improvements, underpinning)
Support of excavation (berming/sloping/benching, ground freezing, shoring/bracing, slurry shaft/wall, soil grouting/improvement/mixing, tangent/secant piles, tie backs and anchors)
Protection and mechanical methods (chute, cocoon, hoisting equipment, mechanical demolition equipment, platform, roof overhead protection, roof protection)
Tenant protection plans
Site safety plans
Supersede and withdrawal of application of record or contractor/licensee
Do you need access to DOB: NOW Build?
Reminder: All users need an active eFiling account specific to their license type.
Once you have an active eFiling account, log into DOB NOW.